Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis An Essential Book for all who love to build their vocabulary

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Process for Inspecting Evaluated Answer Script or having photocopy for HS Exam 2012 onwards

The competent authority of the West Bengal Council of HS Education has decided to allow a candidate to inspect his evaluated answer scripts (EAS) or to provide a certified copy of his evaluated Answer Scripts if applied for under RTI Act within 100 days from the Date of Publication of result of HS in a particular year. 

One has to apply under the provision of RTI act 2005 to the Deputy Secretary of the concerned regional office designated as  the SPIO, under whose jurisdiction the school is situated.

On receipt of acknowledgement letter from the concerned RO, the candidate has to deposit 500/- per EAS through Bank Draft / Pay order in favour of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education payable at the place of concerned RO viz KOLKATA / Burdwan / Midnapore / Siliguri at it's cash counter towards processing fee. Fee will be exempted for BPL card holder students provided they submit proper certificate.

Students applied for evaluated AS will not be allowed for PPS/PPR. However they would apply after PPS/PPR within 100 days from the date of publication of Result.