Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis An Essential Book for all who love to build their vocabulary

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Professional Tax Exemption for PH category

Notification No.941-F.T. dated 7.3.1981
of Finance (Taxation) Department, Government of West Bengal

Exemption of Profession Tax in favour of
Certain physically handicapped persons
Notification No. 941-F.T. dated 7-3-1981

WHEREAS the governor considers it necessary so to do in the public interest;

Now, THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred by Sub-section (2) of Section 26 of the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employment Act, 1979 (West Ben. Act VI of 1979), the Governor is pleased hereby to exempt, with effect from the 1st April, 1981, the following class of persons from levy of tax under the said Act:

Class exempted

Salaried or wage-earning physically handicapped persons or physically handicapped persons who are not liable to pay Income–tax under the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961).

Provided that the persons claiming the benefit of this notification shall furnish a medical certificate in the form appended to this notification obtainable from S.D.M.O./ D.M.O., if such persons resides in a district other than Kolkata and from a qualified surgeon attached to a Government Hospital if resides in Kolkata.

Explanation – For the purposes of the notification, the expression “physically handicapped persons” shall mean persons who are having permanent physical disability on account of injury, disease or congenital deformity or deprivation of any limbwhich has the effect of reducing substantially their capacity to engage in employments, professions, trades or callings shall include –
a)      the blind who are suffering from the following conditions:- a
i)                    total absence of sight, or
ii)                  visual acuity not exceeding 3/60 or 10/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses;

b)      the deaf whose sense of hearing is fully non-functional for the ordinary purpose of life;

c)      the dumb who are suffering from aphasia (complete loss of speech but sense of hearing normal) or whose speech is not clear and/or normal;

d)     the deaf and dumb whose sense of hearing is fully non-functional for the ordinary purpose of life and who are suffering from complete loss of speech or whose speech is not clear and/or normal; and

e)      the orthopaedically handicapped who have any disability of the bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of movement of any limbs.

Form of Certificate

[Vide Finance (taxation) Department notification no. 941-F.T. dated 7.3.1981]

This is to certify that I have examined *Shri/Smt……………………………..(name)
of…………………………………………(address) and am satisfied that he/ she is a physically handicapped person –

*(a) having permanent physical disability on account of *injury/disease/congenial deformity/
       deprivation of ………………………. ...(Name of limb) which has the effect of reducing 
       substantially *his/her capacity to engage in employment/profession/trade/calling; *and

*(b) being blind, suffering from the following conditions:-
i)                    total absence of sight;
ii)                  visual acuity not exceeding 3/60 or 10/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses;* and
*(c) being deaf, whose sense of hearing is fully non functional for the ordinary purpose of life;

*(d) being dumb who are suffering from aphasia (complete loss of speech but sense of hearing  
       normal) or whose speech is not clear and/or normal; and

*(e) being deaf and dumb whose sense of hearing is fully non-functional for the ordinary purpose
       of life and who are suffering from complete loss of speech or whose speech is not clear and /
       or normal; and

*(f) being orthopaedically handicapped, who has permanent disability of the *bones / joints /
       muscles leading to substantial restriction of movement of any limbs.

Seal                                                                                                     Signature……………………

Date……………..                                                                              Designation…………………

*Strike out which ever is not applicable.
For Source Link
Click Here to go to Finance Department Site

Click on "Circulars & Memos" tab and then click on "Revenue" you will get the order at the last line.
1.9.05 click on down arrow just placed on right side of 01/09/2005
Exemption of P.Tax for handicapped -Revenue

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

CSIR Innovation Award for School Children

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) is the premier Industrial R&D Organization in India. On the occasion of its Diamond Jubilee in 2002, CSIR initiated Invention Award for school children to create awareness, interest and motivation for Intellectual Property amongst children.


On the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day which is celebrated through out the world on 26th April, CSIR  invites applications for the ‘CSIR Innovation Award for School Children (CIASC – 2013 )’


Applicant must provide the details of the innovation submitted for the award in not more than 5000 words in English/Hindi including an abstract (in not more than 100 words), authenticated ( by giving seal and date) and sent through the Principal / Head of the School where the student is enrolled and personal details on a separate page as follows:

Title of the Innovation,        Name, date of birth, school and residential address, class, telephone no  (residence /school), e-mail address.

In case of proposals already selected for state, national, international or equivalent awards, only the subject matter  covering the improvements need to be submitted for consideration of CIASC-2013.Innovations Published/Exhibited during the period January 1 to September30,2013 maybe considered for the award.

The applications for the award not exceeding 5000 words in English/Hindi with requisite drawings/photographs will be considered. The write -up must describe the subject matter in a problem-solution mode and highlighting the novel features of the innovation and its advantages.


Any Indian student enrolled in an Indian school below the age of 18 years as on 31stJuly 2013 can apply.  A

Student can make only one entry .Proposals can be submitted by a student or a group of students.


The innovation submitted should be a new concept or idea or a solution to an existing problem or completely a new method/ process/ device/ utility. The concept of the innovation should have been proved through a model, a prototype or experimental data. In case of working model/prototype only photos/videos/drawings may be sent along with the application. Essays/mere compilation of information from published literature/downloaded from internet will not be considered for award . Details of any assistance/ guidance provided by teachers/parents/friends or others must be appropriately acknowledged.


Typed applications to be sent by Registered Post/Courier to: Head, Innovation Protection Unit -CSIR,NISCAIR Building, 14 Satsang Vihar Marg, Special Institutional Area, New Delhi -110 067 with the envelope marked on top left hand corner 'CIASC -2013 '. You may also send application through email addressed to head.ipu@gmail.com

However, a hard copy should also follow through post with Principal’s authentication.

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P Tax schedule

New P. Tax slab has become effective on 7 from 1.4.2013

Upto 7000      :  nil
7001-8000     :  50
8001-9000     :  90
9001-15000   :  110
15001-25000 :  130
25001-40000 :  150
> 40000         :  200

For official notification please click here