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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Illegal use/display of wild animals in laboratories/museums of schools/ Colleges

2nd floor Trikool-1.

No.12-10/WCCB/2008/Vol-VI 4049  
Dated: 26th Sept, 2012.

Vice Chancellors of all Universities
Chairman, CBSE. Delhi
CEO cum Secretary, ICSE, Delhi
Principal Secretaries, Education of all States/UTs
Chief Wildlife Wardens of all States/UTs

Sub: Illegal use/display of wild animals in laboratories/museums of schools/ Colleges - reg.

  1. Wild Life Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) is a statutory body constituted under the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972; for combating wildlife crime in the country. There are complaints of some Schools/Colleges illegally using/possessing wild animals in their laboratories/museums.
  2. In this regard, it is mentioned that acquisition or possession of wild animal(any animal specified in Schedules I to IV of the Act) without the previous permission in writing of the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State or the officer authorized; is an offence against the Act. Capturing or injuring or killing of a wild animal is hunting and prohibited under law. Contravention of these provisions carries punishment up to 7 years of imprisonment or find or both. For any violation, the Head of the School/college concerned shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
  3.  It is therefore, requested that this may be brought to the notice of Heads of all Schools/colleges under your control and directed to surrender any illegal wild animal (including specimens) in their possession to the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State concerned. They may also be advised against acquisition of wild animal or wild animal specimen in future.
Yours Sincerely, 
Sd/-(Shyam Bhagat Negi)
Additional Director

No. 3035(13)/SC     Date:   3/12-12
4A - 47P - 2012

Copy forwarded to the Dist.Inspector of Schoois(PE) ______________ District,P.O._________________-Dist.                 with the request to circulate the same to all recognised Govt.Aided Pry.Schools under his/her control. He/she is also requested to conven a meeting at circle level with the Head Teacher/Teacher-in- charge for a discussion on the matter at the earliest.
For commissioner of School Education
West Bengal \