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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Deputation of Teachers in B.ED Colleges

My young friends are seriously annoyed over the spreading news that they cannot be able to undergo B.ED on deputation. The root lies in these orders issued by Mr. V.Sen PS to SED & Brata Kr. Basu, AS, HED 

Just go through the orders and start a discussion here by posting comments... 


Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
University Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, KoIkata- 91

No. 234(14)- Edn(U)/1U-23/12 Dated, Kolkata,            The 16th March, 2012

From: Shri Brata Kumar Das, Assistant Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

To: The Vice-Chancellor, ....Calcutta...... University
Subject: Permission for doing B.Ed Training for deputed Teachers having below 50% marks.


In forwarding herewith a copy of the Gazette of India bearing No. F No. 51 -1/2009/NCTE (N & S) dtd. 23.07.2010, I am directed to say that the requirement of fifty percent marks shall not apply for persons appointed as teachers prior to the commencement of the National Council for Teacher Education (Regulations Norms and procedure) Second Amendment Regulations, 2010 as laid down at para 8(i) of the aforesaid gazette and to request you to take necessary action accordingly.

Yours faithfully,
Assistant Secretary.


Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091

No. : 232-SE (Pry)/PTTI-7/2011, dated 16.03.2012

From: V. Sen, Principal Secretary to the School Education.
To: Satish Chandra Tewari, Principal Secretary, Higher Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal.

Ref : This Deptt. No. 795-SE (Pry)/ PTTI-7/2011 dated 08.12.2011


I would like to draw your kind attention as to the issue of training of untrained teachers which, you might be aware, is a burning problem of our State. This Deptt’s letter as above may kindly be recalled in this connection also (copy enclosed). We have already come in touch with West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE), National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for imparting teacher training (2yrs Diploma in Elementary Education Course) to about 75000 untrained Pry. School Teachers through Open & Distance Learning (ODL) mode. But this Deptt. is not in the know as to the arrangement done in respect of training of untrained teachers attached to Upper Pry /Secondary schools. The number of such teachers is not very small. More or less they are 17000 in number.

As per stipulations of RTE, Act training of all such teachers is to be completed by 31.03.2015 from NCTE recognised Institutes. Now 3 (three) years are left in our hand only within which all backlog trainings are to be completed. A very good number of B.Ed. colleges are functioning in our State under your control and all of them are certainly NCTE recognised. It would be very much convenient if all the in-service untrained Upper Pry./Secondary teachers are covered through these institutions through ODL mode without disturbing their normal activities. You must appreciate that by such process of training through ODL mode we shall be able to make more rooms for freshers in regular B.Ed. Course which will be very helpful as to the availability of more number of trained teachers during future recruitments. It is mentionable in this connection that as per NCTE’s Regulations we are not permitted to recruit any untrained teacher after 31.03.2014.

Under this circumstance may I request you to kindly let this Deptt. know as to the actions initialed by you regarding training of untrained Upper Pry./ Secondary School teachers.

Yours faithfully,
Sd/-Principal Secretary.


Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
University Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 91

No. 456(14)-Edn(U)/1U-23/12, Dated, Kolkata, the 11th May, 2012.

From: Shri Brata Kumar Das, Assistant Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

To: The Registrar, ............... University.
Sub: Permission for doing B. Ed. Training for deputed School Teachers.

Sir / Madam,

In continuation of this Department’s letter No. 234(14)-Edn(U) dated 16.03.2012 and enclosing memo no. 232-SE(Pry)/PTTI-7/2011 dated 16.03.2012 received from the Principal Secretary, School Education Department, I am directed to inform you that the guidelines as mentioned in para 8 of NCTE (Regulations Norms and Procedure) Second Amendment Regulations, 2010 are applicable only in the cases of getting B. Ed. Degree under Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode as per conditions laid down below :-

1. Graduation or Post-Graduation with fifty percent marks, Provided that the requirement of 50 % marks shall not apply to persons appointed as teachers prior to the commencement of the NCTE (Regulations Norms and Procedure) Second Amendment Regulations, 2010.

2. Two years’ teaching experience in a Govt, or Govt, recognized school.

3. A State University will admit only those candidates who are working in schools located in the territorial jurisdiction assigned to it by the University Act.

Against this backdrop your attention is invited to second para of the memo no. 232- SE(Pry)/PTTI-7/2011 dated 16.03.2012 wherein the School Education Department has requested this Department to cover all the in-service untrained Upper Primary / Secondary teachers through B. Ed. Colleges (NCTE recognized) of this state through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode so that their normal activities are not disturbed.

You are, therefore, requested to send suitable instructions to all the B. Ed. Colleges (NCTE recognized) affiliated to your University for admitting in-service untrained Upper Primary / Secondary teachers though ODL Mode, without disturbing their normal activities.

Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Brata Kumar Das
Assistant Secretary.

Upgradation of High to higher secondary Schools

86 schools have been recommended for up-gradation

Click here to see whether your school is there


OLd Egra High School
Asansol Guru Nanak Mission HIgh School


Bhiringi Girls' High School
Durgapur Rai Rani Devi Girls' High School

Extension of Recognition for New Set Up Junior High Schools

The West Bengal Board of Secondary Education has decided to extend the recognition of all new set up schools since 1.5.2008/1.5.2009/1.5.2010/1.5.2011in a new easy method. The board has devised a new format for this purpose.

TICs are requested to download this format/order and apply accordingly.

Probable Documentations:
  • Copy of Provisional Recognition.
  • Copy of deed, if any.
  • Copies of Approval memos of all teachers.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Guidelines for utilizing the different grant released by SSM for Priamry & Secondary schools

From my experience it has been found that the grants released by SSM has not been utilized by schools in proper way. Here you can find the guidelines issued by the PBSSM for utilizing the funds in a proper way.

Click here to down load the Guidelines

Format for Agreement for teachers deputed to B.ED

Most of the school authorities have failed to take this undertaking on Rs. 10/- Non-Judicial Stamp which is a condition to fulfill for being deputed as well as being permitted to undergo B.Ed from IGNOU etc

Click Here to download the format

Do not forget to get this undertaking before deputed or permitted to B.Ed

Some of this blog viewers have complained that the link does not allow them to download So I typed it here for your use. Just Copy the following and paste it on .doc file and edit etc...

Undertaking from the Deputed Teacher

Whereas I, …………………………………………………………….. Assistant Teacher of ………………………………………………. School P.O: …………………….. Dt.: ………………………… have been deputed by the school as per resolution no. …………  dated ………………. of the Managing Committee of the school for B.Ed Training Course
during the session ……… - …… on such pay and allowances as are under the GA rules , I hereby agree and undertake in consideration hereof to serve the school from which I have been deputed for a period of at least three years from the date of my passing the said examination or to refund the entire amount as received by me as deputation allowance during for B.Ed course Training during the session ………


Signature of HM/Secretary                   Full  Signature of Deputed Teacher


Undertaking from the Teacher Permitted to do B.Ed on ODL mode IGNOU etc)

Whereas I, …………………………………………………………….. Assistant Teacher of ………………………………………………. School P.O: …………………….. Dt.: ………………………… have been permitted by the school as per resolution no. …………  dated ………………. of the Managing Committee of the school to undergo B.Ed Training Course on ODL mode without hampering my normal duties during the session ……… - …… on such pay and allowances as are under the GA rules , I hereby agree and undertake in consideration hereof to serve the school from which I have been deputed for a period of at least three years from the date of my passing the said examination or to refund the entire amount as received by me as deputation allowance during for B.Ed course Training during the session ………


Signature of HM/Secretary                               Full  Signature of Deputed Teacher

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Admission to two -year D.EL.ED. course for the Session-2012-2014

Brochure containing Eligibility Criteria & List of Colleges has been published by Govt

Please Click here to download 

Government has increased 20% of existing seats in XI class this year

As the no. of MP passed out students is higher than the total no. of seats in Class - XI in West Bengal, the Govt in Eduction department has informed the WBCHSE to enhance the seat capacity by 20% of Existing seats subject to condition that Teaching Staff & Accommodation are available.

Click here to download the Order

Monday, June 18, 2012

Debate Competition for students studying 9 to 12 at Asansol to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda

As per memo 2170(21).CSE DATED 15-6-2012 issued by the DSE, WB in connection with the observation of 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a Debate Competition for students studying 9 to 12 at Asansol will be held at SDO meeting Hall on 20-06-2012 at 2 pm. Interested Schools may contact me or SDO office Election cell to participate. They can send at most 2 students.


TOPIC:     পরিবর্তিত সমাজব্যবস্থায় স্বামী বিবেকানন্দের বানী সমূহ প্রাসঙ্গিক 

সময় : ৫ মিনিট  / (depends on no. of competitors)

Venue: Asansol SDO meeting Hall
           on 20-06-2012 
           at 2 pm

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Application for granting scholarship for students with disabilities studying upto Class 8

Here is a good scope for your Physically Challenged Students studying below Class 9. Please Ensure that no such child misses such a scope of having financial assistance (Rs. 500/- or may differ in order to increase the no. of covered child, Rs. 300/- in case of Burdwan District.) 

Click Here to Download Prescribed Form

Sanction will be given by the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, West Bengal for KMC area and the District Magistrate & Additional Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities for the District and the scholarship money will be drawn and disbursed by the designated DDO of the concerned office.

Subject to the provision of sub-para (b) below a candidate applying for scholarship under these scheme:-
o         shall be a citizen of India and be resident of West Bengal.
o         shall be children with special needs as defined in para-3 of this rule.
o        shall ordinarily be below 18 years in age which may be relaxed by the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, West Bengal or any other authority which may be prescribed in special circumstances.
o         shall be studying as a regular student in an institution recognized by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or Bodies of similar status or recognized under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, P rotection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
o         shall preferably be pre-school students of Anganwadi Centres.
o         must not be in receipt of any regular financial help either from the State Government or Government of India. Provided that he/she signs a declaration to forego such facilities availing if sanctioned by the Department of Women & Child Development and Social Welfare.
o         students with Mental Retardation, Mental Illness and Autism should be educable and trainable 

  • the total income of both parents/guardian of the candidate must not exceed Rs 36,000/- (Rupees thirty six thousand) per annum.

a. Application should be made in the prescribed form through the Head of the Institution where the candidate has been admitted as a student. They should collect it from SDO Office/ Local SI office/ Local ADI or AI of Schools Office for their students.

Each application shall be accompanied by the following documents:
o         Declaration in the prescribed form.
o         Admission certificate from the Head of the Institution /Anganwadi Centre in the prescribed form 
o         A recent photograph of the candidate attested by the Head of the Institution where the applicant has been admitted as a student.

Certificate of Age – any of the following documents may be accepted as satisfactory evidence of age:
1. Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births of Municipality/Panchayat, as the case may be.
2. An affidavit sworn in before the Notary Public or a First Class Magistrate by the parent/guardian.
3. A certificate from the Head of the Institution.
o         Attested copies of mark sheets/score sheets obtained at the previous annual examination(s) /evaluation, if any.
o         Income Certificate – a certificate from the employer or an /MLA/Councilor/Gram Panchayat Pradhan or a Gazetted Officer of the Central or the State Government indicating clearly the total monthly income of both the parents/guardian of the candidate in the prescribed form (Appendix-D).
  • Medical Certificate issued by the Medical Board concerned.



Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Guideline for-counselling for admission in Engineering & Medical Colleges in West Bengal

To bring a change,  Web-based online Counseling on and from the ensuing academic year of 2012-13 will be started from 11th June 2012 to avoid inconvenience at the centralized venue for counselling. A guideline has been framed by the Government and notified vide order No: 239/Edn(T)/4E – 10/12 Dated, 05th June, 2012

Click here to download the guideline
Click here to download Corrigendum to No: 239/Edn(T)/4E – 10/12 Dated, 05th June, 2012

Ceiling of Fees for students admitted in the under-graduate engineering, technology and pharmacy courses in the private self-financing colleges of the State of West Bengal

The Fee Structure Committee has fixed the ceiling of Tuition Fees in case of the students who are going to be admitted in Private Self-Financing Engineering & Medical Colleges for the session 2012-13 in the sate of West Bengal.

The Higher Education Department of the Govt of West Bengal has prescribed vide its Notification No. 246 – Edn(T) / 10M – 04/2004 (Part IV),  Dated Kolkata, 06th June, 2012 the ceiling of Maximum tuition Fees will be as below:

  • First Year (2012 — 2013) Rs. 72,000
  • Second Year (2013 — 2014) Rs. 74,000
  • Third Year (2014 — 2015) Rs. 76,000
  • Fourth Year (2015 — 2016) Rs. 78,000
Tuition Fee is inclusive of Development Fee and thus no separate Development Fee can be charged by the Colleges.
ii. Besides tuition fee as prescribed, Colleges Like last academic year, may charge following fees from the students admitted in the Academic Year 2012 – 2013:
  • One time Admission Fee of Rs. 4,000/- at the maximum for entire Course period.
  • Library cum Book – Bank Fee not exceeding Rs. 4,000/- for the entire Course period.
  • Students’ Welfare and Sports and Games Fee not exceeding Rs. 1000/- annually.
  • A reasonable amount as refundable Caution Money.
  • Fees charged by the University for Welfare of students and Development.
  • Other usual University Fees like Registration Fee, Examination Fee etc.

Extended Summer Vacation Order issued by WBBSE. but...

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education has issued a circular for the schools under their control in the same tune of Department.

Please observe the date, its 17TH JULY 2012 instead of 17th Jun 2012 as desired by Dept!

Dont be elated! its a bona-fide mistake by wbbse!

corrigendum has also been issued promtly!

Circular issued by WBBSE N/S/70 dated 6-6-2012

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

100 High schools have been recommended for upgradation to HS schools.

SED has recommended 100 High Schools for up-gradation to HS school through out the state of WB.

Extension of Summer Vacation in Schools

The Govt has decided to extend the summer vacation till 17th Jun (Sunday) in the schools. This holiday will subsequently be adjusted by taking extra classes. Moreover this vacation is only for students attending schools. Office will remain be opened .

Click here to Read & Download the G.O. No. 224 dated 5-6-12

Lets hope teachers will not protest against their attendance at school during this extension of summer vacation and furthermore they will take extra classes (may be on Sundays!) to make up this loss for the benefit of Students without any protest!

Sunday, June 03, 2012

HS exam results 2012

On 4-06-2012 11 am onwards

Click Here to Know Results

Higher Secondary Examination, 2012 results

Higher Secondary Examination, 2012 results will be available on the following Website from 04.06.2012 on and from 11.00 am


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