We are waiting for grand success of this project : Online Salary for Teachers
Hats off to SED and NIC!!
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of School Education,
Bikash Bhavan. 7th floor,
Salt Lake City. Kolkata-91
Directorate of School Education,
Bikash Bhavan. 7th floor,
Salt Lake City. Kolkata-91
Memo No. 277-EXAM Dated: 31.01.2012
From : The Director of School Education.
West Bengal
To : The Dislrict Inspector of Schools (SE)
North 24 Parganas
Sub.: Development of online salary system & security thereof
In reference to the above the undersigned has to inform him that the NIC has developed an online salary requisition system for North 24 Parganas district as a pilot project, which would be available in the S.E. Departments portal w.c.f. Is1 February, 2012. For this programme log in id and password are being made available to the Head Masters of all the Secondary type of Schools (i.e. authorised users) of the district.
He is requested to inform the matter to all authorised users for effective implementation of the project with a request to take care of the log in id and password since it would deal with sensitive data pertaining to salary and other confidential database of the teachers. It may ateo be communicated to all the Headmasters that the authorised users would be held responsible for any misuse of the log in id and password.
This is for his information and immediate necessary action.
Sd/- D. Mukherjee
Director ot School Education.
West Bengal
Memo No. 277-EXAM Dated: 31.01.2012West Bengal
Copy forwarded to the:
1) Principal Secretary. School Education Department. Govt. of West Bengal
2) DDG, NIC. WB State unit
4) Dr. Subrata Roy Gupta. Scientist. NIC, WB for information and necessary action with a request to
upload in the portal.
Director of School Education,
West Bengal