Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis An Essential Book for all who love to build their vocabulary

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Procedure to be observed for verification of educational documents

" Procedure to be observed for verification of educational documents
Request for verification of document from individual person is not entertained. Such request forms an organisation / institution only is entertained.
An Institution in need of verification of Educational Documents of Higher Secondary Examination shall have to observe the following procedure:-
  1. To send a letter addressed to the Deputy Secretary (Exam.), West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, Vidyasagar Bhavan, 9/2, Block-DJ, Sector-II, Kolkata - 91, requesting to verify the Educational Qualification of a student. A list showing the name of student, Roll No. Year of Passing and his / her Result is to be enclosed.

    The letter should accompany the following:
    1. Photocopy of the document to be verified. If the Pass Certificate is to be verified then Photo Copy of the Mark Sheet must be sent along with the forwarding letter otherwise, Pass Certificate cannot be verified.
    2. A verification Fee of Rs. 100/- (one hundred) only per document to be sent in Bank Draft drawn in favour of "WEST BENGAL COUNCIL OF HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION" preferably on S.B.I. payable at KOLKATA. This fee is chargeable with effect from 01.01.2009.

      However, no such verification fee is chargeable for Govt. and Quasi Govt. organisation.
  2. Postal Address of the Institution where the verification report is to be sent should be clearly mentioned in the said letter along with PIN CODE. Phone No. Fax No. if any, should also be mentioned properly. Otherwise Council will not be responsible for non receipt of Verification Report.
  3. Clearly 15 days' time will be normally required to send the verification report from the Council end.
  4. In case of urgency Deputy Secretary (Exam.) may be contacted Tele Fax (033) 2337-9661."